Just to remind everyone that there is no training this week (Tuesday 30 December) but there will be classes next week (Tuesday 6 January) starting at 7.00pm for the Novice Group and at 8.30pm for the new Beginners' Group.
Due to demand, I have decided to start yet another (Yetton Other??) Beginners Group in January 2009, so the current beginners are automatically promoted to the Novice Group. I have 4 or 5 people already signed up for the new group, but if you know of anyone else who might be interested, get them to contact me: yettontop at ntlworld dot com (replace with @ and .) Training will be on Tuesday evenings from 8.30pm to 9.30pm.
Well, it's time for the first lot of Yetton Top Agility Dogs to fly the nest and soar in the outside world of agility. The competition class is closing at the end of December so that those handlers and dogs can broaden their experiences elsewhere. It's been a wonderful couple of years, from no knowledge at all of agility to competing at Independent and Kennel Club shows, and bringing home the rosettes. It's time to 'up the ante' and experience training alongside the higher Grades of dogs and handlers. So, thank you to Rachel and Amos, Helen and Lucy and Jock, Isobel and Bonnie and Amber, Sara and Tilly (and tiny Steve), and Kirsty and Amazing Maisie and Mr Billy Woof. It's been great fun training you and having a laugh together. Best of luck at all the shows next year!!
Sorry to say training has to be cancelled tonight because the road is too icy outside my house to be able to get the car out - for the first time in 20 years!!! Hope you all got the text and email messages I left, but a couple of phone numbers didn't work. If you have changed your phone number, please let me know.
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