Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Taking stock

So, where have we got to now?

Well, the Novice group are now sequencing all equipment except the seesaw which is still being done separately at present. They have started to learn the intricacies of 'agility dance' routines - namely the Front Cross, and so are coping with changes of direction. Mary and Moss have also taught themselves to Layer obstacles - very clever handler and dog! All the dogs are doing well with the weaves (we are using V weaves), mostly off lead, looking for the entries and exits fairly independently.

The beginners' group are also progressing well, though we lost a few 'waits' last night, and the dogs were a bit flighty to begin with. They all love the soft tunnel, and will work on; they are sequencing a few hurdles; weaves are looking good, with one or two dogs having cracked the footfall well; the seesaw is looking very promising for most, using the table method, and doing it backwards from the table for the two rather timid dogs (timid of people being close to help, that is)

I'm really enjoying taking these groups - hope they are enjoying it too!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

First Class

What a cold night it was last night - and the first night back for training in this New Year!
It was lovely to see the familiar faces of the newly promoted Novice Class, and to meet the newcomers of the Beginners Class. Yet again we are fortunate to have a group of very promising dogs and handlers.
My friend Jan instructed with me because my voice was still pathetic after the bout of 'flu I've had - and my coughing fits weren't helpful either! She's a very experienced handler and competitor herself, and has taken many Beginners groups in the past (as well as more advanced ones) so it was lovely to have someone I could rely on to 'do it right' - thanks Jan!
The Novice group coped really well with the more demanding work, and the introduction of more advanced handling techniques. They are beginning to realise that you have to be able to sprint occasionally too!! The new Beginners learned about the basic 5 skills, practised 3 of them, and went away with homework for next week. I'm already looking forward to what we might achieve in the next couple of months.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that 2009 turns into one of the best years ever for each of you!
See you at training on Tuesday to start on the pathway to your agility dreams...